#HappyPeople is a series dedicated to the humans who make Happy + Hale special. Today we introduce you to Renee, a Crew Member at our North Hills location. She is a resilient, kind human, as well as an amazing mother. Renee has been with us since the North Hills store opened. You can find her helping you build your bowl or creating and prepping delicious food behind the scenes.
How did you get started at Happy + Hale?
I was working at the Cheesecake Factory, and the schedule wasn’t working very well for my life. I was working until 2 am in the morning. The former Kitchen Manager invited me to work for Happy + Hale, so I took the job. The schedule was much better for me, as it allowed me to be a good mom to my son (now 15). I have been at Happy + Hale for a year and a half, and I like working here; it is a good and happy place.
What is your biggest challenge in life?
My biggest challenge in life is to ensure my children’s own successes. I want to set them up to be good people, and to help them get a good job. I want them to be independent. I came from a place where I worked multiple jobs (sometimes 2 to 3). So, I want my children to have a different path—a career—so they have more stability in life.
“I believe your life is in your hands. You can make it good or you can make it bad. I want to have a good life”
When are you the happiest?
I am the happiest when I am with my children and grandchildren! I have 4 kids; twin girls (Te’onna, Ta’onna) who are now 22, a middle son (Darius) who is 20, and my youngest son (Marley) who is 15. When they tell me new, exciting and happy things in their lives it makes me more happy than anything.
What are you most proud of in your life?
Finding stability and a better foundation. I took some leadership classes, and I learned how to treat people and how I want to be treated. I learned a lot about customer service and it made me a better person. When a person comes through the door you don’t know what that person is going through.
What do you like most about yourself?
I am a nice, considerate person. I have a chill, positive energy with no negativity. Life is life, and you have what you make of it. I am just Renee — simply put I am Down to Earth. I like that about myself. I believe your life is in your hands. You can make it good or you can make it bad. I want to have a good life, and whenever I am gone I want people to have good memories of me.
Do you have any dreams?
I want to move to Arizona. I don’t know why, I just want to go there. I want to have a house with a picket fence and win the lottery. I want to help homeless women and children, and I want to work with elderly people.
It has been quite a journey for me. I used to be in a bad space. I was one of those people that needed help. I had 3 children by the time I was 19 years old. I was homeless, and my children weren’t with me because I couldn’t take care of them. I was going down the wrong road. Then, I met my youngest son's father, and I got pregnant again. I decided then that I was going to be the best person I can be from this point forward. These experiences help me to connect with people. Now, I can be patient and kind when I am dealing with people from all walks of life. I can relate to them. I had to go through that journey to be the human I am today. There are so many women and children going through a rough time and have no one to help them. I want to help them. I want to pass this on to my children so they continue living happy and helping people. Do right by others and God will take care of you.
What is your superpower?
I feel the energy of people.
What is your favorite menu item at Happy + Hale?
The Bida Bowl—just the way it is. Though, I sometimes add a little onion and garlic.